
Silly Billy Gong Song

Hingle pingle chingle tong,
come and join my silly song.
Make new words; you can't go wrong.
Feel the joy and sing along.

Howza wowza jowza chee,
I love when you sing with me.
When you do, it sets me free.
Try it now, you might agree.

Bada wada lada ben,
sing it once and then again.
Never stop if you've a yen.
Laugh all day and don't give in.

Copyright ©2018, Paul H. Harder II
This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.


What Are You Selling?

Everyone sells something,
whether they ought.
What do you peddle when
God says, "Fear Not"?

Think you're not selling stuff?
Just check  your speech,
anytime things get rough.
What do you preach?

Is it then fear or faith,
darkness or light?
Do you deal law or grace,
crisis or Christ?

This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.


Having a teen is not quite a sickness,
nor does insurance chip in for payment.
Still, you might claim reduced mental quickness,
citing your kids as causing the ailment.

But, the prognosis looks fairly healthy,
only ten years to full restoration.
You will get smart then, if not quite wealthy,
soon as your child completes education.

This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.



Sounds of the night
differ from day.
Distractions are few in number.
‘Though I’m awake, rest has its way –
Clearing my thoughts without slumber.

just before dawn –
Hearing the early birds’ chirping.
What do they say, out on my lawn?
Are they worshipping or flirting?