

This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.


A Gift of Faith*

I remember that night,
though the details are gone,
save the dream.
I suppose I had prayed,
"Lord, I believe. Help my…
I do not really know,
but I certainly had
little faith.
In the dark of the night,
I dream night darker still:
No one safe,
I am posted outside,
my family fast asleep
in their beds.

A large, mean man appears,
with a large, mean dog; they
look for me.
He has his guns and knives.
The dog has tooth and claw.
I am scared:
I, the "man of the house",
standing guard, no fighter,
no weapons.
Then I hear the calm Voice:
"Fear not. They can't see you."
So it is:
They march right by my post,
seeing, hearing, smelling
all but me.

Above, the bright street lamp,
sole illumination
in the dark,
should be pinpointing me,
except when his shadow
looms over.
He's now one foot from me.
I think I’m smelling his
The Voice says, "Relax, now.
This genuine evil
can't find you."
And the marvel of it
is that I do relax,
feel no fright.

They move on, leave our home.
The Voice says, "Now do you
I am always with you.
There will never be a
thing to dread,"
I awake, the fear bone
surgically removed from
my psyche.
Since then, I've had no angst,
through all of life's joys, pains,
and losses.
Never fear. It is true:
He holds me, He holds you
in His hand.

Have you known miracles?
I cannot otherwise
describe this
confident, complete peace,
sure knowledge that, in truth,
what's precious
is truly protected:
every thing of true
Nothing can separate
me from His love or His
And I pray that you too,
may yet receive this gift
of His faith.

*Poetic license notwithstanding,
this is a true story.

This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.