

Today, I became part of We.

I'm a sucker for a catchy title, especially when it's being used to market something I support. The new We Can Solve It campaign features commercials showing Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson sitting together, or Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich sitting together -- and actually agreeing with each other!

In recent years, the norm for politics in this country has been to tear down any idea that the other party has advanced, not because it's a bad idea, but because pols in both parties seem to feel obligated to claim that anything the other guys like must be wrong. That posture has been bothering me quite a lot, especially because these pols don't seem to think that the average American can see through that tactic. Are we really that stupid? I hate to think so.

But now, Al Gore has brought some unlikely partners together to advertise this new campaign. There are any number of other environmental campaigns out there, but this one is going to get a lot of popular attention.

So I went to the website and signed up.

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