A fountain, two gas leaks, one bed and a chair.
He sat down to rest some. Then, quick as a wink,
He found himself Elsewhere, but nothing was there.
Save that off to one side was a powerful light.
So he set out to seek it, to try and find out
What was happening to him, just to learn what he might.
Sit down; take that rest you so richly deserve.
I'll just finish preparing the place where you still
Can be helpful and happy, where you can yet serve."
A table appeared, with a drink and a snack.
While he ate, the mist cleared and he saw a white gate,
Then a fence round a house, and a garden in back.
Beyond it, a forest; above, all the sky.
Bill then beheld people, and what was so weird
Was he thought that he knew them but didn't know why.
The Voice said, "They're people you've helped all your life
Who arrived before you did -- but now they're all young
And their health has returned. See, here is your wife."
No longer wizened, once more in her prime.
"Hey, Bill, I knew you'd show up if I waited a while.
And finally, you're here. Well, it's about time."
There's old man Jenkins. There's Sergeant Malloy.
Over there are the Johnsons and Mrs. O'Day,
And that handsome young man was the sick neighbor boy."
The people you helped with your handyman's kit.
Their lives are all new. And it's time, if you will,
For you to step into new work, a job you'll just fit."
"Now wait," countered Bill, "Handymen don't do
Thinks like that. This just won’t compute."
The music's no problem. What you do have is all but
Impossible to find, but it's there 'neath your hat."
When some folks advised you should cut corners, lest
You go broke and your family be left destitute."
You showed how this life of dependence was blessed."
That I'm what I Am and that I’m the best choice."
To the joy of your Father who loves you in ways
That you fully revealed to those still mired in sin,
Those who just might be saved by a handyman's praise."