
I've Been Here Before

I've been here before and seen all of this mess
That no one can ever clean up. I guess
It's normal that everything seems to be less
Than it could be and things don't get done
By the folks with the job, and that virtually none
Who put systems in place for the rest to endure
Take pride in their work or take time to ensure
That things will work right. Yeah, I've been here before.

I've been here before, and it's no great surprise
That some people cheat or that every man lies
About whatever makes him seem small in his eyes.
I wonder why some people don't seem to know
That doing the right thing's the best way to go,
That the best of all worlds is what happens whenever
Each one of us tries to do right and just never
Gives in to temptation. But I've been here before.

I've been here before and I've stood in this line.
It won't last forever – this wait will end fine.
But I just have to wonder what genius design
Has been mangled so badly that nothing quite works,
What failure of foresight makes good people jerks.
Yet... somehow it happens that some of us strive
To pick up some pieces and somehow contrive
To make some things better. See, I've been here before.

I've been here before. I have seen all these things,
Wrestled these demons, survived all the stings,
All the bruises and bangs, all the cuts and the dings.
And so there is hope that the best of the best
May yet be in reach, that what's broken and messed
Up can yet be repaired. You know, if we all could stay
Truly committed to fix one thing each day,
A lot could be done. Well, I've never been there before.

But wouldn't we all like to be?

Copyright ©2011, Paul H. Harder II

This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.

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