
Arts and Sciences

Look up from where your gaze now rests.
Observe the truth that manifests.
Are you quite sure that that's what's real?
Is truth but what you see and feel?

The goal of science and of art
is firstly to reveal, in part,
the nature of reality,
the hidden actuality.

Beneath the face of what we know,
there lies, concealed, a vast tableau
of causes and effects well hid
from all the sights we live amid.

The physicist seeks quantum fact.
The artist strives for truth unpacked
from life's impactful happenings.
They both look for the truth of things.

And what, in common, do they share,
if not the faith that something’s there,
beneath the grade, to be revealed?
That faith, it seems, is what both wield.

Both art and science, then, I claim,
are playing in the prophet’s game,
their paltry efforts, oh so flawed,
attempt to see the mind of God.

This poem is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.

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